Posts in Mind Body Spirit
Learn. Change. Grow.

Life is a series of ups and downs, highs and lows, challenges and growth. Sometimes the things we work hard to achieve are not what we expected them to be in the end. We set goals and intentions, put thoughts into action, bring our desires into form, and then start all over again. There is always something new to work towards. We learn. We change. We grow. Evolution is what life is all about.

When I first opened Island Wellness, I had this vision of what it would be and imagined myself running this little health food store for the rest of my days. I had such a deep desire to educate my family, friends and community about natural health and inspire them through what I had learned in my own quest for health and happiness. That desire hasn’t changed, but my vision around it has evolved.

I embarked on yoga teacher training a couple of years ago in order to fill a void that was missing in my life. While my body was healthy, my spirit was drained. I felt the need to nourish myself on a deeper level and knew that yoga was the path to get me there. My deeper commitment to yoga taught me that wellness is more than drinking green smoothies, reading food labels and eating your veggies every day (although these are all important); it’s about nourishing your body, mind and soul on all levels. The thoughts we think are just as important as the food we eat. The love and kindness we show to ourselves defines the way we live and love in the world.

After teaching yoga for more than a year and leading my first yoga retreat in collaboration with Salty Dog Yoga, I finally understand the whole “do what you love and it doesn’t feel like work” thing. As my personal goals and desires have evolved, so has my vision for Island Wellness. Change can be hard, but also exciting. It can be difficult to let go of the way things are and the comfort of knowing how to operate in a familiar environment, but the only real constant in life is change, and we either live in fear of it or embrace it wholeheartedly. The more we let go of the stuff that doesn’t set our soul on fire, the more we can make room to welcome in what does.

After quite a bit of soul searching over the last few months, I’ve made the decision to follow my bliss and I’m thrilled to announce that Island Wellness will soon be moving to a new location and sharing space with Salty Dog Yoga. And no worries, we are not leaving the island! We are so excited for our two businesses to work together in one space to provide a nurturing and welcoming environment for wellness and yoga. There are some things we’ll be letting go of at Island Wellness, but only to allow more of the good stuff to flow in. There will be collaborative efforts for more workshops, more spiritual inquiry, and more commitment to helping you connect with your highest purpose and your path to health and happiness.

I am so deeply grateful for your support of Island Wellness over the years and look forward to continuing to provide you with inspiration to live healthy and happy. May we continue to navigate the tides of life with eagerness and ease as we learn, change and grow together.
